Sports at Wolfson
Wolfson has a wide range of sports clubs and activity groups that are open to all students - everyone is welcome to get involved and try something new. Most clubs are run through the students' association, WCSA, with the exception of the Wolfson College Boat Club, which is run directly through the College.
Top-class achievements
At Wolfson, you'll find top athletes to inspire you: athletes who compete in Cambridge, in Varsity matches against Oxford, as well as on a national and international level. Accolades have been awarded to students in Basketball, Boxing, Pentathlon and Tennis.
Excellent facilities
Wolfson has an on-site gym - that is free for all students to use - with a dedicated weights room. There is also a multi-purpose tennis and basketball court in the College gardens.
College Societies
Wolfson has many College societies, which revolve around a variety academic and cultural topics. Some societies are managed by members of the College (such as the Science Society, Humanities Society, and Music Society), and others are organised by the Wolfson College Students' Association (WCSA).
- Humanities Society
The Humanities Society talks provide a forum for stimulating ideas across the boundaries between the Humanities and other fields of study. The society is made up of a lively group of students, researchers and fellows, who come together throughout term to discuss exciting developments in the arts, humanities or social sciences.
- Science Society
The Science Society hosts termly series of lay-friendly talks throughout term, which help to contribute to an understanding of how science and technology affect not only the way we live now, but perhaps more importantly, how they will affect our lives in the future.
- Music Society
Under the direction of Lyn Alcántara, the Wolfson College Music Society contributes to the cultural life of College by providing musical activities and events. There are also a number of music scholarships available.
- Entrepreneurs' Society
The Wolfson Entrepreneurs' Society (WES) is a collaborative space to explore the many facets of entrepreneurship, in conjunction with the College's Entrepreneurship Hub.
- Student Societies (WCSA)
There are active student sports teams, clubs and societies in Wolfson which are supported by the Wolfson College Students' Association (WCSA).
Students’ Association (WCSA)
The Wolfson College Students' Association (WCSA) represents and supports all postgraduate, undergraduate, and part-time students in College business, social and sports activities. The WCSA Committee consists of a dozen members, including the President, that between them contribute to all areas of student life in College.
Throughout the year, WCSA organises and facilitates events for Wolfson students, and helps organise and fund student sports teams and societies. The budget is primarily drawn from the annual WCSA membership fee of £16.50 per year, which is automatically deducted from our students' College accounts. WCSA also has a standing space on several College committees, ensuring that students' needs are always represented in College affairs.
Stay in the loop
Current students can join the WCSA Facebook group to keep up to date with all the events and activities arranged by the association, including club nights and the famous comedy night, the Wolfson Howler.
For more information please visit the WCSA website.