Frequently asked questions
We've compiled a list of the most frequently-asked questions in the sections below. If you can't find the answer to the question you're looking for here, please contact the undergraduate administrator or the postgraduate administrator by email or via the Tutorial Office.
You & your offer
- I'm an undergraduate, how do I accept my offer?
Check the information included in your offer email carefully. You will need to complete the following steps:
- Accept your offer in UCAS by their given deadline
- Send our Undergraduate Administrator the confirmation of your results, and any academic transcripts not previously submitted as part of your application, as soon as you receive them
- Complete and return the Financial Guarantee Form when it is sent to you.
- What if I have a deferred offer?
Deferred offer holders will be asked to begin their College registration by completing the Financial Guarantee form in January 2025. You do not need to do anything else at this stage, we will be in touch with further information in due course.
- What if I have a disability, learning difficulty, accessibility requirements or a long-term health condition?
Prospective students have the option to disclose any disabilities in their application form to receive targeted information and support. The University’s Accessibility & Disability Resource Centre (ADRC) will contact all offer holders who have declared a disability with specific information for incoming students. You can declare your disability to the ADRC via their Student Information Form.
At Wolfson, you will also be assigned a College Tutor, who will help you liaise with the ADRC and will provide you with pastoral support during your Cambridge studies.
Please get in touch with our College Tutorial Office and/or the ADRC with any questions or concerns you have relating to a disability, Specific Learning Difficulty or long-term illness. This is particularly relevant if you have requirements that affect your accommodation preferences.
For further information, please visit our support for students with disabilities page.
- What if I am an international student and/or I have visa requirements?
The University of Cambridge International Students Guide contains comprehensive pre-arrival information for international students. If you require a student visa for your studies at Cambridge, you must carefully read the student visa responsibilities information, in particular the University's student visa guide.
- What if I have a young family?
Wolfson is a great place to study in Cambridge with a young family, with dedicated resources, couples flats, and funding available. Find out more on our students with families webpage.
Preparing for Cambridge
- Does Wolfson hold offer holder events?
Yes! We hold several events for offer holders in the summer to provide you with more information before you come to Cambridge. You will receive further information by email in due course.
- Where can I find reading lists for my subject?
The Faculties and Departments at the University of Cambridge provide reading lists for undergraduate offer holders. Please read the guidance on your list carefully; it is unlikely that you will be expected to read or buy everything, but there may be one or two key texts that your Department or Faculty would like you to have access to before/at the start of term.
- What funding is available for my studies?
Visit our application pages to see which funding opportunities are available at your level of study:
- How can I get College accommodation?
College accommodation isn't allocated until late July or August. Undergraduate accommodation will be allocated from around 20th August (shortly after the A-level result confirmation date). Most undergraduate tenancies will begin on Tuesday 1st October, though it may be earlier for Foundation year and Graduate Medicine students. You can visit our Accommodation page to find out more about our accommodation and how it is allocated.
- Can I reside in accommodation outside of the College?
Most students live in their College or in College-owned accommodation, but, students can reside in accommodation outside of the College. Students are required to reside during Full Term within the University 'precincts', unless you are given explicit permission by the College.
Undergraduate Within a three-mile radius of Great St Mary's Church Postgraduate Within a ten-mile radius of Great St Mary's Church - How do I travel to Cambridge?
You can find important information on the University of Cambridge Getting here webpage. International students are also advised to read the Finding Your Way to Cambridge guidance.
- If I am an international student, do I need medical insurance?
If you are an international student, you are strongly advised by Addenbrooke's Hospital payment office to take out medical insurance for the duration of your stay, to cover the following potential health-related costs:
- Loss of fees if you are unable to complete your course
- Treatment and medical expenses not covered by the National Health Service
- Costs of returning home if a relative is taken ill
- Costs of a relative visiting you in the UK if you fall ill
- Returning to your home country for treatment
Please visit the UKCISA website for further details.
- What if I am already taking medication?
If you are receiving medical treatment or taking medication, bring with you a doctor's letter (in English) confirming the treatment and any medication you are taking. If you need ongoing medication in the UK, the GP website will explain how they arrange repeat prescriptions; it can take up to 48 hours, so make arrangements before you run out. Some practices have an arrangement with a local Chemist so that you can pick up the items without taking the prescription from the practice to the Chemist yourself.
GPs reserve the right not to prescribe certain medication and not all medication from outside the UK is available on the NHS. Your GP will sometimes be unable to prescribe the medication you are taking, because it is not used here or because of NHS prescribing restrictions. If you have specialised medication or you are in any doubt, you are advised to bring a supply with you.
- Which vaccines do I need for Cambridge?
You are strongly advised to follow the Univeristy's advice for incoming students on vaccine-preventable infections (Meningitis, MMR, Flu, Covid). Due to students being a higher risk group, the Meningitis ACWY vaccine is offered for free by the NHS to new students under 25 years old, including overseas and mature students. You can request this vaccine from your registered GP surgery reception.
- How do I register with a GP/Doctor?
College strongly recommends all students to register with a local Doctor/GP for the duration of their time in Cambridge. The closest Doctors to Wolfson College is Newnham Walk Surgery (Google maps), and you can register online by completing their New Patient Registration form.
It is possible to register at Newnham Walk Surgery before arriving in Cambridge, providing that you know the date of your date of arrival, your GHIC card number (if you have one), and you use your Cambridge address as your home address on the registration forms. Students living at Wolfson can simply use the College address: Wolfson College, Barton Road, Cambridge CB3 9BB.
Arriving at Wolfson
You can find detailed pre-arrival information regarding your registration and orientation on our Getting Started page. You may also want to check the support, services and College facilities information on our student support and services page.