Wolfson BME MPhil awards

Wolfson College believes that no student should be prevented from taking up their place because of their financial situation or background.

Wolfson Library

Recent events have brought issues of disparity of opportunity to the fore not only for people from BME backgrounds but also from any background that is at a disadvantage by means of race, class, gender or other circumstance.  The University of Cambridge and its Colleges are committed to widening participation for underrepresented groups through a programme of support for projects and awards, to increase access and provide opportunities to students during their time with us. 

Working closely with our Senior Tutor on widening participation has highlighted the issue that more funding opportunities are generally available for undergraduate and PhD study; there is very limited funding for MPhil study currently and so this is a barrier for able students to continue their studies.  Wolfson will help bridge this gap between undergraduate and postgraduate study, enabling more students to continue in their academic journey.

In 2020, Wolfson is proud to launch a new fundraising initiative to provide awards and project funding to help address this imbalance, starting first with a focus on providing funding to students from BME backgrounds experiencing educational disadvantage. 

Donations in increments of £1,000 are sought to help us achieve this.  We are delighted that some of our Wolfson community have already joined us in taking this forward and generously given a gift towards this fund.

My time at Wolfson was a truly wonderful and eye-opening education on the diverse paths we each take in our academic careers, the wide range of challenges that have been overcome by many along the way, and the plethora of opportunities our collective collaboration can lead to. This not only left me feeling incredibly fortunate to have studied at Wolfson, an epicentre of Cantabrigian diversity, but also with a desire to give back and support the College in continuing on this mission of academic inclusivity and excellence.

Graham Mills (PhD Medicine, 2014)

What's on

A triptych of three plant-themed paintings: the left shows large leaves, the center features a dark forest scene, and the right depicts vibrant, stylized foliage and flowers.

Art Exhibition: 'Life Within Landscapes'

21/09/2024 at 10.00

Explore Wolfson's newest exhibition, 'Life Within Landscapes', showcasing works by three Cambridge-based female contemporary artists, inspired by their Caribbean heritage.

Three women are engaged in a panel discussion on stage, seated on armchairs. A microphone, jug of water, and glasses are on the table in front of them.

A Woman's Place is in the Lab: Celebrating Women in STEM

28/09/2024 at 14.00

Celebrate Professor Jane Clarke’s legacy in STEM and join her for a discussion with four female scientists at different career stages about increasing accessibility for women in the field.

Three women, one in an animal print dress, one in a maroon jacket, and one in a bright pink dress, are having a conversation outside at a social event. Several people mingle in the background.

President's Farewell Garden Party

28/09/2024 at 15.30

Join us in Wolfson's beautiful gardens to celebrate President Jane Clarke with the unveiling of her official College portrait.


A group of people dressed in formal academic attire, including black robes and white bow ties, walking outside in a procession.

Graduation Ceremony

26/10/2024 at 09.00

Graduation ceremonies are the culmination of students’ hard work and commitment, and a moment to celebrate the completion of their Cambridge degree.

Silhouette of a cross with a soft-focused background.

Michaelmas Term College Service

12/11/2024 at 18.15

Wolfson's termly College Service led by our ecumenical Chaplaincy Team.
