Drug & Alcohol Abuse
- Drugs
All members of the College are reminded that:
It can be dangerous to take any drugs other than under medical directionThe unauthorised possession, use and supply of these drugs are criminal offences. These are regarded as very serious matters by the College, and any student involved may be evicted from College accommodation, if living in; or temporarily or permanently expelled (‘sent down’) from College. This applies particularly to any student found to be using, dealing or in possession of any Class A Drug. It also applies to any student found to be dealing or repeatedly in possession of any of the Classes of Drugs above. This approach is in line with the current policy of the Police.
The College's policy is also to co-operate fully with the Police in any investigation. Students should also be aware that if the College were knowingly to permit drug offences to take place on its premises, it would itself be liable under the Act.
At the same time, the College wishes to offer all possible support to students seeking medical or counselling help regarding drug taking. Those aware of being at risk of drug or other substance abuse are encouraged to seek advice from the College Nurse, your Tutor, your doctor or the University Counselling Service. The Welfare Officers of CUSU and the Graduate Union may also be able to offer advice, and the CUSU-produced Student Survival Guide (available from CUSU or the GU) contains a list of specialist confidential agencies to which students may go for help, such as The Bridge Project Drug Advice Centre, 154 Mill Road, Cambridge CB1 3LP (tel. 01223 214614).
The Psychoactive Substances Act (2016) covers drugs formerly known as ‘legal highs’.
The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) covers three categories of drugs:
Class A Drugs (this category includes LSD, ecstasy, heroin and cocaine) Class B Drugs (cannabis, amphetamines, barbiturates and other weaker opiates) Class C Drugs (includes benzodiazepines) - Alcohol
There are very considerable social pressures and numerous opportunities in Cambridge, and in the College, to drink too much. Drinking to excess is dangerous: it may contribute to serious accidents, particularly traffic accidents, to long term problems with health, as well as to psychological problems.
It is particularly important not just to drink sensibly yourself, but to avoid encouraging other students to drink to excess, and to be sensitive to others around you who do not drink alcohol. Encouraging other students to drink to excess puts their safety, as well as their health, at risk. Drinking games are not permitted at any College dinner.
Students who need a taxi back from Addenbrooke’s Hospital or the city centre to College following intoxication with alcohol (or illegal drugs) will be billed for the taxi fare, plus the cost of any necessary cleaning. Students will also be charged for any damage to College property and for additional cleaning required on site, and in these instances disciplinary action may follow.
As in the case of drugs above, any student worried about their or their friends' drinking is encouraged to talk to the College Nurse, your doctor, Tutor or the University Counselling Service, or to Drinksense, which provides confidential counselling, education and support for those with alcohol problems, their friends or families.
- Sources of support
The government website provides a guide on what to do in a drug or alcohol-related emergency:
0800 917 8282
Mon – Fri, 9 am – 11pm; Sun, 6pm – 11pm
Information and support for problems with drinking.Drinksense
01223 350 599
Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm to make an appointment
Dashwood House
185 East Road
Provides counselling, education and support for those with alcohol problems or their family and friends.Alcoholics Anonymous
01223 833 900
08457 697 555 (24 hours – National number)Cambridge Drug and Alcohol Servic
01223 723 023
Mill House
Brookfields Hospital
351 Mill Road
Treatment and counselling for people suffering from drug, alcohol or tranquilliser dependency, in particular to people with problems with harder drugs such as heroin and cocaine.
Referrals can be made through GP or self-referral.Frank
Available 24/7, every day of the year. The service is free.
Call 0800 77 66 00
Or send a text to 82111 for an immediate answer
Or email frank@talktofrank.com
Friendly, confidential drugs adviceBridge Project Drug Advice Centre
01223 214 614
154 Mill Road
Confidential, non-judgemental information and treatment service for those having problems with drugs, in particular with recreational or softer drugs.Any student concerned about another student's dependence on drugs should encourage them to seek advice from one of the sources listed above.
Any member of the College concerned about illegal drug use should refer the matter to the Senior Tutor, or to any Tutor.
Updated July 2017