Wolfson College Maintenance Staff


The Maintenance Department looks after all College building-related needs, from maintenance on the properties to refurbishments and new builds.

Wolfson College Maintenance Staff

Requests for maintenance

College members can file a request for maintenance or repairs via the Maintenance Portal. Once you have clicked on the link, you will be asked to sign in with your Raven password - this will be your CRSid and associated password. As this is a new system, there may be instances where people with a Raven login are not able to login. If this situation occurs, please send details of the maintenance problem to maintenance@wolfson.cam.ac.uk and let them know that Raven did not work.

Once you have logged in, to access the form, hover over 'Requests' and select 'Report a problem'. The form will ask for the location of the problem, the item that needs repairing, and the fault. You can add further details in the box provided if your issue does not correspond with those provided.

You will receive automatic email responses to keep you informed as the job is received, allocated, and completed. If repairs are held up for any reason, you will also be notified by email.

Once you receive the email reporting that the defect has been fixed, your report is considered closed. If, after that, the defect has not been remedied, or it reappears, please report it again through the same maintenance request form. If you continue to experience issues, or if you are not receiving email notifications through the online form, you may escalate the issue to the Deputy Clerk Of Works.

Emergency maintenance

If you encounter a hazardous or urgent issue in your accommodation or elsewhere on the College site, please report the issue via the Maintenance Portal noting in the 'Further Details' box that the situation is urgent. The Maintenance Department is staffed from 8:00 to 16:30 Monday to Friday. In case of an emergency at any other time, please contact the Porters' Lodge, either in person or by calling 01223 335900.

Planned works

The maintenance team carry out regular works across the College (such as fire safety and legionella), which is legally required for health and safety purposes. The team endeavour to provide a week's notice to planned works that require entry to student rooms and will always give 24 hours' notice, unless acting on an emergency or via a maintenance job request where it is necessary to address the problem more quickly. When undertaking this work, technicians will knock to alert occupants, and always within regular working hours.

Details of planned works
  • Water temperature testing is undertaken monthly as part of the L8Acop water regulations. This is undertaken by Jordan Environmental.
  • Shower head cleaning takes place monthly and is undertaken in house by our plumber, Tim. Students will be emailed weekly when their shower head is due a clean.
  • Monthly fire extinguisher checks across the site are undertaken by Alan Hawkins and access to flats is required for about 2 minutes. You will receive a knock at the door.
  • Monthly emergency light testing is undertaken by the College electrician, Arthur Benfield, and will not affect the students. You will receive a knock at your door when this takes place and an email when the full test takes place in August.
  • Monthly fire door/lift inspections are undertaken monthly by Darien O’Brien, the College carpenter, and no access to rooms is required.
  • Ventilation/cooker hood cleans and filter changes take place in May and August. Notification will be emailed to students when this takes place.

Baggage Store

The baggage store allows students to leave a maximum of two boxes or suitcases each, depending on available space. The store is open for drop-off or collection between 11:30 – 12:00 midday from Monday to Friday. It may also open on a Saturday at the start and end of each term - these additional opening times will be sent out to students by email.

Wolfson does not recommend storing anything you will need urgently on your return to Cambridge, given the baggage store may not be open when you arrive. It is the student’s responsibility for storing their items and collection of their items.

If you would like to store your baggage, please read the regulations, which include information about size and content restrictions.

When you arrive at the baggage store you will need to complete a baggage storage form, and indicate that you have read and will comply with the regulations. 

Note: If you are picking up baggage on behalf of another student, you will need to provide written confirmation (email, letter, etc.) that you have their permission to do so. 


The Maintenance Department are very keen to support the Sustainability Committee in their work to reduce the impact of the College site on the environment. To help with this, please remember to turn lights off when leaving a room and turn heating valves down to an appropriate level. Our team are always happy to demonstrate how the systems work to make sure your stay at Wolfson is as sustainable as possible.

Our team

The maintenance team is headed by Clerk of Works, Neil Newman, and his deputy, Sam Wolfenden. Their office is located by H block and the Gym.

The Wolfson College maintenance team members always wear a uniform, so you should be able to recognise them easily. All of the team also have University Photo ID badges, so if you have concerns please ask to see these.

Clerk of Works: Neil Newman
Deputy Clerk of Works: Sam Wolfenden
Carpenter: Darien O'Brien
Electrician: Arthur Benfield
Electrician: Carl Cullum
Maintenance Assistant: Alan Hawkins
Maintenance Assistant: Joshua Curry
Painter/Decorator: David Long
Painter/Decorator: Dean Matthews
Plumber: Tim Clarke
Plumber: James Hanslow