Daniel studied medicine at the University of Oxford with an intercalated degree in medical sciences (physiology). Following graduation, he was appointed to an Academic Foundation Program based in Cambridge and subsequently undertook combined clinical and academic specialist training within the East of England. He has been awarded academic prizes by both the University of Oxford (Meakins McClaran Medal, Wronker research prize) and the Royal College of Anaesthetists (Nuffield & Macintosh medals) for his performance in undergraduate and postgraduate training.
Following an NIHR academic clinical fellowship in anaesthesia (2015) he subsequently completed an MPhil in Epidemiology (2019) and a PhD in Health Systems Engineering (2022) funded by a Wellcome Trust clinician PhD fellowship. He is a current clinical lecturer in anaesthesia, jointly based between the division of anaesthesia and Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. His subspecialty interest in neuroanaesthesia and perioperative medicine has led him to a co-opted council position at the Neuro Aanaesthesia and Critical Care Society (NACCS) having previously been the postgraduate doctor in training representative to both NACCS and the Age Anaesthesia Association.
He has extensive experience in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in both Oxford and Cambridge. Through this work, he has mentored numerous students on self-contained research projects, many of which have led to national presentations, publications, or research prizes. He has recently been appointed co-lead for the 'Healthcare informatics' module in the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Medicine. He is an active instructor on both adult and paediatric life support courses.