Keyboard instruments are available for students to play, including several pianos and a harpsichord. Booking is required to use these instruments, which you can do in the sections below.
- Pianos
To use any of the College pianos or keyboards please download and fill in a piano permission form and email the Director of Music
To book any of the instruments, or the rooms mentioned, for practice purposes please email the Conference & Events team. Keys for the pianos should be signed out from the Porters' Lodge. Room bookings are usually limited to 2-hour slots. In the interests of fairness, during busy periods the College may limit the number of sessions an individual can book. During quieter periods an individual may book multiple sessions per day.
There is a Yamaha grand piano in the Music Room in Fuchs House, along with a Chappell Baby Grand piano in the Combination Room: these are available to pianists with Grade 6 (Chappell) or Grade 7 (Fuchs) or above. There is an upright piano for practice purposes in the Seminar Room. The digital piano in the Lee Room is for all to enjoy- no need to book as is the one in the foyer of Fuchs House. However these must be played with your own headphones to avoid disturbing others. There is a Chappell Baby Grand in the Club Room which can be played without booking.
The Steinway grand piano in the upstairs dining room, donated by Dr Roger Briscoe and Professor Linda Wicker, may only be used by advanced players (Diploma level or music student). As well as completing the application form please email the Director of Music enclosing a copy of the relevant qualifications to gain access.
- Harpsichord
The Wolfson College Music Society harpsichord is currently housed in the Fuchs House Music Room. It is a fine double-manual instrument in the Flemish style made by renowned Boston maker William Post Ross. The instrument was generously bought for and donated to the College by Professor Brian Moore, a long-standing supporter of the Music Society and Emeritus Fellow.
The instrument, no. 24 in Ross's catalogue, was built in 1968. It is a concert instrument with unusually powerful voices and rich sonorities. The two 8' stops are of pronounced individuality, and together with the shiny 4' stop, they mix well to give a full, harmonious tutti. The fine lute action carries remarkably well in the concert hall.
The keyboards each have 63 keys, from FF to g''', with ebony naturals and highly polished white bone sharps. The case measures 232 cm long, 94 cm wide, and 28 cm deep. The outside is painted dark green while the inside is dark red, both surfaces in a smoothly rubbed finish. The inside of the lid is decorated with gold bands. The inner sides and borders of the case are paper finished, matt varnished over for protection.
The antique spruce soundboard is hand painted in tempera with delicate flowers, leaves, butterflies, insects, etc, that follow the Flemish tradition. A Shakespeare sonnet is beautifully copied along the spine.
The instrument is stored on the stage in the Lee Hall (on stage heating must be kept off at all times). Because of its fragility it is available to play only by the most experienced players. Advanced keyboard players who would like to play the instrument must obtain permission from the Director of Music by completing the application form.
The Music Society wishes to record its sincere thanks to Professor Moore for making this instrument available. It can be heard at termly Early Music Recitals.
Other musical resources
There are a number of rooms which can be booked for instrumental/vocal practice in College, as well as an extensive choral library of sheet music.
- Practice Rooms
To book a music practice room, please email the Conference & Events team. Keys for the room should be signed out from the Porters' Lodge. Room bookings are usually limited to 2-hour slots. In the interests of fairness, during busy periods the College may limit the number of sessions an individual can book. During quieter periods an individual may book multiple sessions per day. Rooms which may be booked include Fuchs House Music Room, Lee Hall, Seminar Room and Combination Room. Please be mindful not to disturb those living and studying nearby by keeping the door closed. During the Quiet Period during the summer there may be limits on music practice.
If you want to make a last minute booking out of business hours please contact the Porters.
There are music stands in some practice rooms. Please do not remove any of these without permission from the Director of Music.
A small number of folding metal stands are available for loan on request from the Director of Music.
- Sheet music
The Society has an extensive choral library. Please email the Director of Music for access.
There is also a selection of sheet music available, mostly for voice or piano or violin, including some chamber music, in the Fuchs House Music Room. A number of opera scores are also available. Feel free to browse but please complete the borrowing book if you take a score out of the room. There is a large selection of music reference books and set texts in the Lee Library.
- Music Society notice board
Please check the notice board in the corridor on the ground floor of Bredon House opposite the entrance to the Karen Sparks Jones (KSJ) room for information about musical activities in College and advertisements for local concerts. There is also a Music Society Facebook and Instagram page.
Useful web links
Please find below a small selection of links to sites that are likely to be of interest to members of the Music Society and Choir.
- Music at Wolfson
- Wolfson What's On
- Wolfson College Music Society Facebook Page
- Cambridge Centre For Music Performance
- Music Faculty, University of Cambridge
- Choral Public Domain Public Library (CPDL) - free choral/vocal scores, texts, translations and other useful information
- Free scores from the Petrucci Music Library
- Cyberbass - Resources to promote innovative learning amongst choral singers
- Oxford Music Online - This subscription service is available free of charge and without a password from within the Cam domain; a Raven password is needed to access the service from elsewhere. It includes Grove Music Online.
- CUMS - Cambridge University Musical Society
- West Road Concert Hall
- Cambridge Concert Calendar - free online list of Cambridge concerts
- Sight Singing School - an online subscription sight singing course
- ABRSM - Music Exam board.
- Gerontius - Choral Music Resources