New York April 2024

Please use the form below to book for the event in New York.

What's on

A triptych of three plant-themed paintings: the left shows large leaves, the center features a dark forest scene, and the right depicts vibrant, stylized foliage and flowers.

Art Exhibition: 'Life Within Landscapes'

09/06/2024 at 10.00

Explore Wolfson's newest exhibition, 'Life Within Landscapes', showcasing works by three Cambridge-based female contemporary artists, inspired by their Caribbean heritage.

Two images side by side: on the left, a woman holding a clarinet smiles at the camera; on the right, a woman dressed in green plays the violin intently.

The Mary Bevan Recital: Lola Frisby Williams (clarinet) & Imaan Kashim (violin)

16/06/2024 at 19.00

Join us for our annual Mary Bevan concert with prize winners of the prestigious Cambridge University Concerto Competition.

Promotional graphic for Wolfson May Ball 2024, themed "dreamscapes," featuring an illustration of a figure in a canoe with a lantern and a silhouette of a face on a wavy backdrop.

Wolfson May Ball 2024: Dreamscapes

21/06/2024 at 20.00

Step from one dreamscape to the next, on a journey from restful lullabies to surrealist whimsy to thrilling nightmares, and emerge forever changed…

Boxes filled with assorted cupcakes topped with various frosting flavours and sprinkles.

Foundation Day Celebrations

28/06/2024 at 10.00

It's Wolfson's birthday! Wherever you are in the world, celebrate with us at one of our Foundation Day events.

Graduands stand together for group photo

Graduation Ceremony - General Admission

29/06/2024 at 09.00

Graduation ceremonies are the culmination of students’ hard work and commitment, and a moment to celebrate the completion of their Cambridge degree.
