WCSA Committee 2022-23

Student Association (WCSA)

The Wolfson College Students' Association (WCSA) represents and supports all postgraduate, undergraduate, and part-time students in College business, social and sports activities.

WCSA Committee 2022-23

The Wolfson College Students’ Association (WCSA) is Wolfson College’s combined Junior Combination Room (JCR) and Middle Combination Room (MCR). We fulfil three main roles:

  • We represent Wolfson students on College committees and in dealings with the College. Three members of WCSA (the President, the Vice President and the Junior Treasurer) are members ex officio of the College Council, which is the executive committee of the Governing Body. We also have representation on a number of other College Committees as outlined here.
  • We organise, provide, and facilitate events on behalf of Wolfson students and support student sports teams and societies. As an umbrella organization for all Wolfson student organizations, WCSA charges all students (full-time and part-time) a modest fee which is used to support various student activities.
  • We offer support and advice to students in need. Members of our committee are happy to take time to offer advice and, when appropriate, can refer to assistance at the College and University. We also advocate for your needs so please get in touch if you notice something that can be improved to support College life.

Follow WCSA on our website and Facebook page for updates on news and events.

2023-2024 WCSA Committee

PresidentLewis Kildingwcsa-president@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
Vice PresidentIsaac Jameswcsa-vicepresident@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
Junior TreasurerKarol Langerwcsa-juniortreasurer@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
SecretaryElsie Apicellawcsa-secretary@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
Entertainment Officers

Tal Cohen

Caitlin Parry

Green & Campaigns OfficerTochukwu Chisom Iguhwcsa-greenofficer@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
Sports & Societies OfficerTrish Muzendawcsa-sports@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
External Officers

Arnov Paul Choudhury

Rosie Michalik-Denny

Welfare Officers

Olga Chiazo

Will Owen


Representatives are appointed by WCSA Committee on the recommendation of the Welfare Officer and represent various minorities within the College.

LGBT+ RepConnor Johnstonwcsa-lgbtq@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
Disabilities RepClem Woodwcsa-disabilities@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
International RepGilbert Nkpeniyengwcsa-international@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
Womens & Non-binary RepsEireann Attridgewcsa-women@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
Men & Non-binary RepsTuneer Mondalwcsa-men@wolfson.cam.ac.uk 
BAME RepPratap Chandra Senwcsa-bame@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
Part-time Students RepEugenia Wongwcsa-parttime@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
Off-site Students RepEugenia Wongwcsa-offsite@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
Extra Mature Students RepAditya Raowcsa-mature-student-representative@wolfson.cam.ac.uk

For more information please visit the WCSA website.