Laura Frost

Laura Frost


Laura Frost is a practicing veterinary surgeon currently working for a large rehoming charity. Her interests are surgery (soft tissue and orthopaedics), small mammals and teaching.

Laura Frost

Laura Frost read Veterinary Medicine at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. Following graduation in 2009, she worked in general practice, during which time she completed a Certificate of Advanced Veterinary Practice in surgery certAVP(GSAS). She also spent 2 years as clinical director of a multi-site practice. In 2020 Laura began working at Woodgreen, The Animal Charity, which is both a clinical and teaching role for the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) Shelter Medicine Programme.

In 2022 Laura completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Veterinary Education (Pg Cert Vet Ed) and hopes to be awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Association (FHEA) later this year. She is involved in both preclinical and clinical teaching of veterinary students, including supervising Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology (VAP) and Veterinary Reproductive Biology (VRB), lecturing in Comparative Vertebrate Biology (CVB) and facilitating wildlife teaching for final year clinical students.

She has a strong interest in wildlife (particularly native hedgehogs), running a small 'rehabilitation and release' facility from home, and has to date, released over 80 hedgehogs, 10 birds and 1 mole back into the wild. 
