Kenny Monrose

Dr Kenny Monrose


  • Position Governing Body Fellow
  • School Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Sociology
  • Email
  • Department link Sociology

Dr Monrose is an urban ethnographer at Cambridge Sociology. He is also an undergraduate tutor, PhD mentor and the convener for the Race, Ethnicity & Faith working group here at Wolfson College.

Kenny Monrose

Dr Monrose completed a PhD in Sociology in 2013 examining the life course of maturing Black men with a focus on criminal preclusion and non-criminal participation. He acted as the lead researcher for the Black British Voices project and is the Convener of the REACH@Wolfson research hub and a tutor for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. He is also a member of Film & Screen Studies at the University of Cambridge, and a member of the Centre for the Studies in Global Human Movement.

His expertise lies in the areas of criminal justice, 'race', and urban cultures, and is interested in the impact of Afro-descendent music within and around the Black Atlantic.

Dr Monrose is the principal investigator on the Black British Voices Project, a national study in partnership with the University of Cambridge, The Voice Newspaper and I-Cubed consultancy group. He is an affiliate at The Centre for Screen & Film within the Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages & Linguistics, and a member of Centre for the study of Global Human Movement at the University of Cambridge. He is also an advisory board member for Education &  Culture at the South Bank Centre London. 

What's on

A wooden board stands in a garden with greenery and flowers, displaying a written poem about a skeleton hugging bluebells and the nature of love.

Open Cambridge - Poetry Trail

06/09/2024 at 10.00

A self-guided trail around the Wolfson College gardens featuring extracts of poetry written by Wolfson staff and students from our latest WolfWords poetry anthology "a little branch".

Wolfson College main drive in Autumn

Open Cambridge - Tree Trail

06/09/2024 at 10.00

A self-guided Tree Trail around the beautiful and varied garden 'rooms' of the grounds at Wolfson College.

A triptych of three plant-themed paintings: the left shows large leaves, the center features a dark forest scene, and the right depicts vibrant, stylized foliage and flowers.

Art Exhibition: 'Life Within Landscapes'

06/09/2024 at 10.00

Explore Wolfson's newest exhibition, 'Life Within Landscapes', showcasing works by three Cambridge-based female contemporary artists, inspired by their Caribbean heritage.

Exterior of building with spacious lawn, surrounded by trees and flowers.

Open Cambridge - Wolfson College Library Anniversary Exhibition

10/09/2024 at 13.00

Visit Wolfson's Lee Library for a special 30th anniversary exhibition showcasing the building's history and design.

Photograph of Wolfson College garden

Open Cambridge - Garden Tour

10/09/2024 at 14.00

Take some time out of your day to engage your senses with the sights and sounds of Wolfson's plants and wildlife.
