If you have included Wolfson in your Will, or are intending to, please let us know by completing and returning this form. If you wish to have a conversation in confidence please contact us at or +44 (0) 1223 766856.legacies@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
If you have included Wolfson in your Will, or are intending to, please let us know by completing and returning this form. If you wish to have a conversation in confidence please contact us at or +44 (0) 1223 766856.legacies@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
Explore Wolfson's newest exhibition, 'Life Within Landscapes', showcasing works by three Cambridge-based female contemporary artists, inspired by their Caribbean heritage.
The Wolfson Howler is back, bringing you the best comedy Cambridge has to offer!
What can the history of crèches tell us about care and coercion in a socialist dictatorship?
A concert of beautiful music, including the Debussy Sonata and Bartok’s Romanian Dances, performed by cellist Doraly Gill.
Take some time out at the start of the academic year to get organised and plan your next steps.