Postal services
Each student has a pigeonhole (or 'pidge') for mail, which should be checked frequently. Mail is not routinely sent on to students living out of College, but in special circumstances arrangements can be made at the Porters’ Lodge for some items of mail to be forwarded to students working away from Cambridge.
There is a post box for external mail in the main entrance, which is collected at 17.00 Monday to Friday, and at 11.00 on Saturday.
Mail for University departments and other colleges can be sent by the University Mail Service (UMS) from the Porters’ Lodge, from Monday to Friday, for which a small charge is made.
In Full Term, also from Monday to Friday, the Cambridge University Student’s Union (SU) runs a free mail service for students only to send mail between colleges.
Wolfson e-mail lists
Wolfson uses several e-mail lists for sending out information. Students are automatically added to wolfson-students and wolfson-events. You may unsubscribe from wolfson-events but not wolfson-students. Your official Cambridge (@cam) email address is used and so you should check this daily. The lists are used as follows:
wolfson-students for official College notices and information, specifically for students
wolfson-events for advertising College lectures and other social events, for all members of College
If you don't seem to be getting messages from these lists please contact the College's IT department.
wolfson-notices You may like to subscribe yourself to this list, which is administered by WCSA. A once-a-week digest is sent out detailing upcoming societies information and other 'small ads'. Subscribe via email.
You can also subscribe to the e-newsletter for the College, Ring True, which is sent out six times per year.
Social media
You are encouraged to join the College's Facebook page and to follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
Wolfson College Students' Association (WCSA) has two Facebook groups, one open to all members, and another page for current students only. WCSA Events also has a Facebook group.
Notice boards
Important information about scholarships, examinations, lectures and seminars and a variety of other matters are regularly displayed on the College noticeboards, which are to be found opposite the Porters' Lodge and along the corridor running from the Club Room to the College Office. Notices should not be posted on these boards (other than those operated by WCSA and the Music Society) without the prior permission of the Porters.