- Where do I find information about examinations?
The comprehensive guide to exams can be found here. Most, if not all queries are dealt with in this guide. Please take time read it carefully. This page will be constantly updated by Student Registry. The examination timetable will list the times and venues of each examination. Ensure that you are familiar with the venue where your examination is being held and how to get there well in advance of the day of the examination. In nearly all cases, it is necessary to arrive at least 20 minutes before the advertised start time. In exams, where extra time or reading time is given then you may be expected to arrive earlier than this.
- Where can I find the University’s policy and guidance relating to all exam matters?
Student guides for taking exams including what to do before, during and after an exam can be found here.
- What is plagiarism?
Students are expected to familiarise themselves on University's definition of plagiarism and the referencing and academic practice guidance issued by their Faculty/Department. Plagiarism is a serious issue and can result in disciplinary charges.
Wolfson Librarians are happy to support students who have questions (whilst always deferring to Depts/Faculties) and have some online support as do Cambridge libraries more generally.
- Where do I look for my exam timetable?
You can find timetable here. You can also find your timetable via CamSIS self-service – click on ‘Examination timetable’ in self-service – note this is only available for the main exams in the Easter term.
- What if I have a disability and require reasonable adjustments?
Students that require a reasonable adjustment for their exams can find guidance and information here. The Tutorial Manager will apply for reasonable adjustments once she has your Student Support Document.
- How do I calculate my extra time and rest breaks for my exams?
Students that have been approved to receive extra time and/or rest breaks can use the Reasonable Adjustment Exam Calculator to calculate the extra time and/or rest breaks that they are entitled to receive and the end time of an examination. Please note that your ECF or your timetable on CamSIS will NOT show your additional time (extra time or rest breaks). It will only show standard times for the exams. It is therefore imperative to check your additional times using this calculator as this will be monitored by the Exams Team and penalties applied if the submissions are late. For those taking online and Moodle exams, you will have a 15-minute upload window after the exam end time within which to submit your answers.
- What items must I take to my exams?
Students must bring their University Card. In addition, please take with you your stationery in a clear case, non-carbonated drink in a small screw-top bottle, watch (not a smart watch), wallet and the Exam Confirmation Form.
You can also find additional guidance and information here.
- Where can I find information relating for different modes of assessment (Inspera, Written, or Moodle exams)?
Information and guidance for Inspera, Written, and Moodle exams can be found here.
- Where can I find my candidate number (Blind Grading Number)?
For exams you can find your Blind Grading Number by logging into CamSIS self-service and it is with your timetable information, by paper.
For coursework submissions you should contact your faculty who will provide you with your Blind Grading Number.
- What is an ECF and how do I get one?
ECF (Exam Confirmation Form), usually printed in on a yellow paper, will be issued only for those taking in-person exams. You can also check your exam location on this personalised timetable. However, it is important to note that your EAA (Examination Access Arrangements) will NOT be specified on the ECF. Ms Rajashree Dhanaraj (Tutorial Manager) would write to you separately with information regarding your approved Exam Access Arrangements. ECFs will be sent to your pigeonholes.
- What do I do if things go wrong?
It is important to remember that there are several mitigating measures available for students facing difficult circumstances. The sooner we are able to record the event, the better we are able to offer support. So, email exams@wolfson.cam.ac.uk immediately and cc your Tutor, explaining your situation.
There are various things we can do to help you. Note the following:
- Representation to Examiners (up to 5 days after exam)
- Exam Review process (up to 28 days after exam results published)
- Allowances (up to 3 months after exam results published)
- The Students’ Unions Advice Service offers free, confidential and impartial support to all students at the University.
- Whom do I contact for an exam emergency?
Email exams@wolfson.cam.ac.uk and copy your Tutor and your Director of Studies. The Tutorial Manager will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Information received as soon as the event has taken place would lead to mitigation action taken immediately.
- What should I do if I am ill before or on the day of the exam?
Information and guidance relating to illness and other severe extenuating circumstances that have occurred before or on the day of the exam can be found here. Please write to your Tutor immediately so an exam warning can be put in place.
- If I arrive late for the exam, will I recuperate the time at the end?
Students must arrive within 30 mins of the start of an exam. No additional time will be given for late attendance. Additionally, if you are unable to take an exam you should inform your Tutor immediately. If you miss an exam (due to illness or grave circumstances), or if you arrive more than 30 minutes late you will receive no credit for that examination which could affect your overall class and result.
Further guidance and information relating to the conduct of examinations can be found here.
- Does Wolfson provide laptops for exams?
The college does not have spare laptops to students for their exams. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they have the appropriate equipment to perform their exams. For all Inspera exams, if you require a laptop to be loaned to you, please contact the Inspera team.
If you require further assistance with any IT issues, please contact the IT helpdesk.
- What if the battery life of my laptop is not sufficient for the exam?
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they fully charge their laptop prior to the exam. However, students can bring and use a portable power bank in the exam if the battery life of their laptop will not be sufficient to complete the exam.
- Where can I install the Inspera software?
The Inspera Integrity Browser portal is available to download here. Students must ensure that they have the latest version prior to the exam. A device requires 120MB of storage for the download.
- Where can I find a quiet study space in College?
It is crucial that you familiarise yourself with exam venues. Students have a variety of different forms of examinations. These might include a combination of coursework submissions, online exams, ProctorExam (remote invigilation), in-person examinations etc. The myriad of exam assessments mean that you need to check the timetable first to decide the location of your exams. College has allocated study spaces which might be used to for either silent study or to sit online exams. All students can use them.
Details of Quiet Period support, restrictions, allowances and dates can can be found here.
From mid April, the Syndicate Rooms in the Chancellor’s Centre are available for booking. In order to book a time slot in the allocated space, please email Ms Deborah Fitz-Gibbon (Conference Coordinator) with the details of date and times, and a desk will be allocated for your use. The Library will also have quiet spaces for study or take online exams.
The Library is a dedicated silent study space, where you may also be able to take online exams (those that are not invigilated), subject to the availability of desks.
Here is another resource that students can use to find spaces to study, based on their specific needs: Spacefinder.
- Can I have a mock exam?
Students that wish to have a mock exam should firstly speak with their tutor.
- What other support does the College offer?
The College has provided earplugs in dispensers at these locations:
- On the counter at the Café;
- At the Porters' Lodge;
- Outside Lee Room in Jack King Building;
- outside the Academic Skills Librarian’s Office
Posters which read ‘Silence! Exams in progress’ are available from Porters for your use. Do attach them to outward-facing windows and on your door, so your friends and neighbours will know you are not to be disturbed.
Students may book rooms in the Chancellor's Centre for meetings and study groups (contact: conference-coordinator@wolfson.cam.ac.uk), but please keep voices down in the stairwell, foyer and landing; there may be exams going on in the adjacent seminar rooms.
Our IT Department are available to answer any questions regarding your electronic equipment if you so wish to have them checked out before you start your exams. Please make an appointment by emailing them.
Library support: there is an exams workshop on 15 April, and there are exam tips online. Students are welcome to book a one-to-one with the Academic Skills Library or the Librarian to discuss academic skills support more broadly.
Useful links
Please email the Tutorial Office Manager if you have any questions with exams.
- You can find the Proctorial Notices that covers all aspects of the University Statutes and Ordinances here.
- You can find information on existing mitigation measures on the University's Mitigation page.
- The University's full guide to examinations is available here.
- You can find class list publication dates and exam timetables on the University's All students timetable page.
- And check out the Exam Support page for information on the support available to students.
- The interactive University map shows precise details and locations of Faculties, Colleges and Departments across Cambridge.
- The Student Advice Services provides useful guidance and support for exams.