blood test

COVID resurgence

Like all other colleges, the College has been planning what to do in the event of a further resurgence of Covid-19 in Cambridge and an increased rate of infection within College.  

blood test

Updated 19 July 2021


In the event of a local or further lockdown Wolfson College will, as ever, be guided by the advice and legislation of the UK government and Public Health England. Within these limits, the College will endeavour to continue to house all its resident students for the duration of their room licence. Unless compelled to do so by government advice or legislation, the College will not ask students to vacate their rooms in any future lockdown; although it may have to limit or suspend some services.

College operations and facilities in the event of a COVID resurgence

In terms of the College’s operations, it is envisaged that a staged approach to rising infections would be appropriate, depending on the rate of infections among staff and students.  Appropriate measures might include a combination of (or all of, in extreme circumstances) the following:

  • The closure of the cafeteria and/or coffee bar to indoor dining (i.e. take-away only)
  • The closure of some or all social spaces
  • The withdrawal of cleaning services in certain areas
  • The closure of the gym
  • The closure of the site to non-residents and all but essential staff
  • The recruitment of volunteers to deliver take-away food
  • The pooling of catering resource with other colleges
  • The increase of staff working from home

Whatever the situation, the College will prioritise the safety of its students and staff and will continue to comply with all regulatory requirements such as fire safety.