WolfWorks: Research Data Management for your Dissertation or Thesis

Old photograph album in the foreground; basket of old documents in the background
Date 15/02/2025 at 10.00 - 15/02/2025 at 11.30 Where Online on Teams

A hands-on session to help you manage your data - whether copies of archival documents, interview transcripts, code or physical samples.

Old photograph album in the foreground; basket of old documents in the background

Join us online on Saturday morning for a WolfWorks workshop, learning from peers and developing your research skills.

All research produces data regardless of academic discipline through collection, observation or creation. Analysis of data produces and validates your original research results. Data can take the form of archival material, audio files, code, documents, experiment results, field notes, images, interview transcripts, lab books, materials, physical samples, protocols, social media outputs, statistics, surveys, videos and more.

Research Data Management (RDM) is the organisation, storage, sharing and archiving of all data produced during the research process and beyond. It is important to manage data because:

  • Funder requirements
  • University of Cambridge strongly encourages it
  • Increases efficiency
  • Good academic practice
  • Data preservation 

This online session will look at what RDM is and give you time to create a RDM Plan to take away. It is a generic workshop aimed at students from all disciplines who have had little experience of managing data in the past.

What's on

Old photograph album in the foreground; basket of old documents in the background

WolfWorks: Research Data Management for your Dissertation or Thesis

15/02/2025 at 10.00

A hands-on session to help you manage your data - whether copies of archival documents, interview transcripts, code or physical samples.
