Science Society - Why Can't I Get Rid of This Belief?

Science Society
Dr Anabela Pinto Research Associate, Wolfson College
Date 05/06/2020 at 18.00 - 05/06/2020 at 19.00 Where Zoom Webinar

The Science Society organises regular talks during term time. During Easter term 2020, all talks take place as zoom webinars, make sure to register.

Science Society

Some beliefs seem to be more resilient to change and extinction than others. This paper argues that some of the strong beliefs held by humans have deep biological roots in our evolutionary past, and the neuronal pathways and structures that support them can be found in other species. This paper describes four basic universal criteria present in persistent beliefs: intuitibility, predictability, reliability and utility (IPRU). The paper argues that the study of belief as a modern scientific discipline will require consideration of the evolutionary context through which the neural pathways associated with belief formation, maintenance and endorsement have emerged. We also suggest that the study of religious belief has discouraged the adoption of an overarching framework for understanding our belief system in all its breadth. Our approach incorporates evolution-driven cognitive and affective biases, attachment mechanisms and reward expectation. Rather than operating as genuinely adaptive phenomena associated with evolutionary advantage, we suggest that belief systems emerge as a by-product of evolutionary pressures. 

This is a virtual event held as a zoom webinar. Please register to attend.

As a webinar attendee, you can view the speakers' and hosts' videos and see their presentations. The Q&A facility allows you to engage with the speakers after the talk. You do not need a camera yourself, as attendee videos are not shown. More information on how to join a webinar is available here.

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