Discover Wolfson’s Gardens: Plants, practices, people

Wolfson College Gardens
Date 09/04/2022 at 10.00 - 09/04/2022 at 11.30 Where See Eventbrite

A guided talk and discovery tour of Wolfson College gardens, offering insights into the evolution of the gardens and a behind-the-scenes look at horticultural methods used.

Wolfson College Gardens

A guided talk and discovery tour of Wolfson College gardens, with a behind-the scenes visit to the glasshouse and compost area, looking at horticultural methods being implemented - including propagation, composting, pruning techniques and sustainable garden practices - and with a special insight into the evolution of the gardens from the team that manages and is developing them.
A self-guided Tree Trail will be available throughout the Festival.

Part of 'Wolfson Explores GROWTH 2022'

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